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Federal Judge Rejects Medicaid Work Requirements

In a ruling on Friday, a federal judge in Kentucky blocked that state’s Medicaid work requirement. The court decision said imposing work requirements on Medicaid enrollees violates federal law and the program’s purpose of providing health care to the most vulnerable Americans. “Today’s federal court ruling confirms that work requirements do nothing to enhance access […]

Job Announcement – Executive Director

The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, a statewide coalition of over 100 organizations focused on engaging consumers and community members on important health issues, is currently seeking an Executive Director to provide overall direction and policy strategy for the Alliance. The Alliance’s mission is to work as a collaborative and unified group of organizations to […]

Doctors agree: Expand KanCare NOW.

Senate Health Care Repeal Bill Would Cut Federal Funding to Kansas by $917 Million

Senate Health Care Repeal Bill Would Cut Federal Funding to Kansas by $917 Million Per Capita Cap Would Devastate State Budget in the Next Decade Topeka, Kansas – A new report from the Alliance for a Healthy Kansans previews the devastating impact awaiting Kansans should the U.S. Senate move forward this week on a vote […]

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on Senator Moran’s decision to oppose the Senate Health plan (BCRA)

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on Senator Moran’s decision to oppose the Senate Health plan (BCRA): Sen. Jerry Moran deserves credit for taking a courageous stand against politics as usual and rejecting the harmful Better Care Reconciliation Act. His decision is a testament to his commitment to […]

Statement from Alliance for a Healthy Kansas on updated Senate Health Plan

  Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on the release of the updated Better Care Reconciliation Act in the U.S. Senate: The updated Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), the Senate health plan released today, confirms that the goal of the proposal is to gut Medicaid and devastate the […]

Report: Senate Republican Health Bill Would Harm Kansas’ Tribal Communities

Today, a new report shows that the Senate health care plan, Better Care Reconciliation (BCRA), will harm Kansas’ tribal communities.  More details are below:   Senate Republican Health Bill Would Harm Kansas’ Tribal Communities  [Topkea, KS] – By slashing Medicaid and making marketplace coverage unaffordable, the Senate Republican health bill would have devastating consequences for Kansas […]

An update from David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas

What a week. Last week, Kansas was the center of national debate on health care. Senator Moran hosted three town hall events and hundreds of Kansans showed up to let him know that the Senate’s health plan, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), was bad for Kansas. Thank you for turning out and helping Sen. […]