Kansas Stories : Page 4


Kansas Stories: José Luis

I had to leave my country where I have lived and worked all my life, where my children were born and raised, so that [...]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Medical Debt Stories, Stories en español, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Olivia & Saul

Not having medical coverage has affected us a lot financially. In 2019, I had health insurance from my job, but when I lost my job, [...]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Medical Debt Stories, Stories en español

Kansas Stories: Jaime

“My name is Jaime, and I am the father and provider of my home. I have three children and I live with my wife in Kansas City, Kansas. We are a united family and take great care of each other. Family is everything to me; I long to live to see my children grow up […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Stories en español, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Marlon

Marlon is from Kansas City, Kansas. Here is his story: “I haven’t had insurance in about 5 years. I used to be a normal, healthy guy. Now I’m almost bedridden. It’s a horrible experience. “I’ve had strokes and my kidneys shut down on me. I go back to the hospital constantly with high blood pressure […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas City Star: Kansas mother had to put her health ‘on the back burner.’ New funding will change that

By: Katie Bernard, Kansas City Star | May 6, 2022 After giving birth to her third child, Stephanne Rupnicki spent the next year fighting an infection from breastfeeding. She needed antibiotics but, like 14,000 Kansas women each year, she had gone on Medicaid during her pregnancy but lost coverage eight weeks after giving birth. For […]

Topic: Consumer Stories in the News

Letter to Advocates: Wear Your 8-in-10 Shirts

April 2022 Dear Fellow Advocates of Medicaid Expansion in Kansas, Like you, I am deeply concerned for the 150,000+ individuals that need and will greatly benefit from Medicaid expansion by our state legislators. I am frustrated that they are not listening to the voices that have so eloquently articulated the health, economic and moral reasons […]

Topic: All Consumer Stories

Kansas Stories: Vincent

“When I was working I had United Healthcare, then I got sick and lost my insurance. I inherited diabetes and heart disease from my family and after the age of 50 I really started going downhill. “It became really hard to work until I finally had surgery on my pancreas and 11 kidney stones. I […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Donna

Donna lives in Colby, KS. She’s a proud mom; though all of her children are grown, she loves talking about them. She is also divorced and a cancer patient. She worked as a para in her children’s school district until 2015. After that, she worked managing her father’s business. Donna was uninsured from 2016 – […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Cancer Stories, Workforce Stories