Step 4: “Ask why” LTE campaign
Step 4 of the “Steps to Expansion” initiative is a campaign writing Letters to the Editor (LTEs) to newspapers all over the state. The Legislature refuses to have hearings on KanCare expansion, and some legislators won’t even talk about KanCare expansion. We want to ask them: “Why?”
The LTE is very simple and can be submitted in just a few minutes. Read our FAQ page for more information.
As always, if you have any questions about this initiative, you can contact our Advocacy Specialist, Taylor Morton, or (785) 861-7890.
- Use this list to choose a newspaper near you and submit a Letter to the Editor using the following outline (see our FAQs for more information):
To the Editor — I support KanCare expansion because [1 to 2 sentences why]. The people of Kansas want KanCare expansion. Why won’t the Legislature talk about it? Signed, [Your Name]
. - Fill out this form and let us know that you have submitted your LTE so we can watch for it.
- BONUS STEP FOR PHYSICIANS & CLINICIANS: Sign our Open Letter to Kansas policymakers supporting KanCare expansion. We will present the letter to the Legislature in April, so please sign soon! The letter is open to practicing physicians, physician assistants, retired physicians and current medical students. If you aren’t a physician, please consider sending the letter to any physicians you know and ask them to sign it.

- Use this list to choose a newspaper near you and submit a Letter to the Editor using the following language (see our FAQs for more information):
To the Editor — I support KanCare expansion because [1 to 2 sentences why]. The people of Kansas want KanCare expansion.The people of Kansas want KanCare expansion. Why won’t the Legislature talk about it? Signed, [Your Name] - Fill out this form and let us know that you have submitted your LTE so we can watch for it.
- Share information about the LTE campaign with your email lists.
- BONUS STEP FOR PHYSICIANS & CLINICIANS: Sign our Open Letter to Kansas policymakers supporting KanCare expansion. We will present the letter to the Legislature in April, so please sign soon! The letter is open to practicing physicians, physician assistants, retired physicians and current medical students. If you aren’t a physician, please consider sending the letter to any physicians you know and ask them to sign it.
Organizations and individuals are welcome to use the following social media graphics on their accounts. To download the file, click on the link, then right click and choose “Save image as…” On a Mac, click the link, then use Ctrl + click on the image to save.
- LTE campaign graphic (Facebook jpg)
- LTE campaign graphic (Twitter jpg)
- LTE campaign carousel (Instagram jpg)
- Physician sign-on letter flier (pdf)
- Physician sign-on letter graphic (Facebook jpg)
- Physician sign-on letter graphic (Instagram jpg)
- Physician sign-on letter graphic (Twitter jpg)
- Step 4 QR code (png)
- Physician letter QR code (png)
2023 Briefing Book on KanCare Expansion
2022-2023 KanCare Expansion Advocacy Toolkit